Singapore Announce its National Facial Identification Service

According to the Smart National and Digital Government Office (SNDGO), it is expected that in June 2020, a facial scan test will be conducted in government agencies to enable citizens to use selected digital services. Details have not been announced.

People are already using their phones to scan their faces or fingerprints to access e-government services using the SingPass Mobile app (the app launched in 2018). The app has one million users so far.

It is reported that the face recognition system is an extension of the "Smart Nation", which was launched in 2014 and established a biological database covering more than 4 million Singaporeans.

According to "The Straits Times", the system will scan the face information with a camera and compare it with the database to determine the identity of the people.

The face recognition system can interoperate with SingPass Mobile launched in 2018, and the public can use SingPass Mobile to register their fingerprints and facial information in the government's biological information database.

In addition, Singapore plans to use face recognition software to handle transfer and payment services between users by 2023.

The current use of the national biometric database is limited to official purposes, including verification at border checkpoints and certain government buildings to restrict access. The digital identity will also be used to verify cross-border transactions, but no detailed information now. As part of the AI promotion in Singapore, all immigration checkpoints will have fingerprints and facial scans by 2025.